Message from the Founder

On March 13, 2020, Magnolia High School was shut down due to COVID-19. We were not sure when we would be back with our Sentinel family and there were concerns raised in conversations about how our students would access food. Many of our students receive free or reduced meals provided at school. 

Our school is unique. As the least populated high school in the Anaheim Union High School District, we have needs that other schools don’t have, and we strive to fulfill those needs in spite of our limited resources. Our faculty is generous and caring, and many regularly go beyond the traditional boundaries of their paid positions to help Sentinels with anything they need.

Over the course of my life, I have repeatedly witnessed my parents as they selflessly jumped in to problem solve during times of crisis or tragedy; they are the most selfless, generous people I know. I have learned from their experiences, through the action of their love for God, the value of service. I believe there is no better time to unite and serve than when someone feels vulnerable.

On March 16th, 2020, I contacted the faculty and informed them I would be delivering food to our students’ homes and asked for volunteers who would like to assist with the process. Support from the faculty was overwhelming and we identified a growing need for our Sentinels to obtain basic necessities. Although the school district was offering food to students, we found that many didn’t know how to get it or were unable to get to the established locations to collect it. 

Three days after the school shut down, we made our first delivery. I believed at the time that we would perhaps do a few deliveries here and there, but it became a weekly need to deliver to families. As we approach the 2024 holidays, we have raised over $110,000 making over 800 deliveries to Magnolia families because of the generosity of our Sentinel staff and extended community.  

There are always going to be times that are uncertain for whatever reasons, and because of the continued need and consistent support of this work, I created the nonprofit, SAFE (Sentinel Assistance Funding Essentials). My vision is that SAFE’s efforts to serve our MHS community with basic necessities will continue to grow as well.

The purpose of this nonprofit is to give opportunities to create equity for our students and families who may not otherwise have access to the support they need. I have chosen individuals on my board who will build these opportunities with me, and with the partnership of our community, our students and families will be supported, healthy, productive and empowered with the hope that they will find joy in acts of civic engagement and building community as well. I am inspired by the unity built in service, and I am thankful to those who have helped and are willing to continue to serve. 

With Sentinel pride,

Katrina Mundy  Founder and President of SAFE Magnolia High School English Teacher/Community School Teacher Lead